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Important: Quality certification
of our chemical additives

Chemical additives for performing cellular concrete according to the directive 89/106/CCE.

We are on the final line and at the point of obtaining the certification of our chemical additives, after a long process which includes tests carry out by a prestigious laboratory, Institutes and Organism like Universities, the adequation of our own manufacturer process for the fulfillment of the UNE norm 934-2 and also the enlargement of our control and testing laboratory. The organism which is in charge of emitting the certification will be CEMOSA due its competence like a notify organism by the industry, Tourism and Commerce Ministry for the certification of cellular concrete, mortars and paste.

Once the certification is obtained, we will send a circular to all of our clients and the corresponding document that will be sent with each manufacturer pallet and buying of products.


In order to print veracity, competence and objectivity to the resistance, densities and thermal and acoustic insulation properties tests of the cellular concretes carrying out according the DGF method plus our chemical additives, these tests are carrying out by prestigious external laboratories whose name is recognized by all the sector. In this way we offer a document more to the client in order to include in the guarantee at work. One aspect which is valued by the technical and facultative direction at work and also by contractors, construction companies, contracting official organisms, etc. Clients who are interesting in this document must request it by email to the following address: REF.: TESTS APPLICATION.

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